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"Welcome Message of the 3rd International Congress of the CiiEM

The 3rd International Congress of CiiEM-2018, will be held at Egas Moniz, Caparica - Almada - Portugal, June 20-22, very close to Lisbon the capital of Portugal.

This Congress provides a unique opportunity to present scientific papers, discussion and exchange of knowledge among researchers with diverse sensitivities. The diversity of topics that CiiEM members are addressing is an enriching feature, and this year is complemented and extended by holding the 3rd World Congress of the Chair of Digital Anatomy of UNESCO. The innovative combination of methodologies and visions from different areas often allows approaches that can overcome barriers that hinder the scientific process. Therefore, we call all Egas Moniz members to take advantage of this opportunity, to share ideas and actively participate in the sessions of their and other areas.

Costa da Caparica is approximately 6 km from the Congress venue and there you can enjoy beautiful beaches with paradisiacal sand, water sports, trekking, shelling and enjoying the best sunset parties. Quoting Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, "half of my soul is made of sea ..." and the other will be revealed, in the magnitude of the 3rd International Congress of the CiiEM.

The Congress will be full of news, for the younger ones, highlighting pre-congress courses, sessions dedicated to students and Alumni and discussion forums between teaching and research. On the other hand, we will have Plenary and thematic sessions, with the participation of senior researchers in nuclear areas such as: Bioinformatics; Biology/Biochemistry; Biomaterials; Dental Sciences; Nutrition Sciences; Pharmaceutical Sciences; Forensic Sciences; Nursing; Physiotherapy; Medicine/Pathology; Microbiology; Psychology; Forensic Psychology; Public Health/Environmental Health and Social Sciences in Health.

Be all welcome!"

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