Forensic Talks

Forensic Talks
General Information
Date May 20th
Lecturer Dr. Andrew O'Hagan
10h00 - 12h00
"Stop and Search (The UK Prospective)"
"Drugs at Crime Scenes"
Stop and Search (The Uk Prospective)
The introduction of the UK's Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 as amended by the Criminal Justice Act (CJA) 2003 extended police stop and search powers. It allowed officers to stop and search for stolen or prohibited articles including articles concerning the commission of the offence of criminal damage.
The purpose of this lecture is to provide UK case law examples providing and understanding linked with the European Human Rights Act how these Police Powers can be used in the UK.
Drugs at Crime Scenes
Case study based lecture.
Analysis of real life cases where controlled drugs have been concealed in crime scenes in the UK.
Approach of the correct way to preserve and package the exhibits.
The importance of evidence gathering to the Police enquiry teams.
Dr. Andrew O'Hagan
Retired Detective Sergeant form Nottinghamshire Police serious and organised crime unit
Wealth of knowledge in relation to Policing both home and abroad.
Consultant to the UK courts and provides expert evidence in the Dutch central law courts (the bunker).
Regularly produces expert evidence reports in relation to the trafficking of controlled drugs.
Senior lecturer at the University in Drugs of abuse, Law and crime scene examining.
Fellow of the Higher Education academy and a Fellow of the Forensic science Society
Leads two of the core modules in the BSc (Hons) Forensic science degree course at Nottingham Trent University.